On Monday, June 22, Andalusia entered what is known as the “new normality” after the confinement of the Coronavirus.
This means that from now on, the established regulations will not be provisional as they have been until now, but rather the standard to be followed until the situation of the COVID-19 is resolved.
Should I continue to wear masks?
Until a vaccine is found, the pandemic ends or the Government changes the Royal Decree, the use of masks will continue to be mandatory as long as the distance of 1.5 meters cannot be held with others. Fines of up to 100 euros will continue in force for those who do not comply. Regardless of this, it is also mandatory for hygiene measures, separation and shift work to avoid crowds in work centres, supermarkets, etc. There will be special sanitary controls at airports, with the opening to foreign tourism.
Where can I travel? Can we move between provinces? And what about travel abroad?
Yes, from now we will be able to move to other regions without justification, as long as they have also entered the 'new normality' phase. We will also be able to travel to other European countries in the Schengen area, except for neighbouring Portugal, with which we will not resume normally until July 1st.
Will there be any kind of confinement?
Only in specific circumstances and due to an urgent case (another small outbreak for example).
Bars and restaurants
The conditions and capacity of bars and restaurants rises from 50 to 75% of maximum capacity indoors and 100% on terraces, provided that the safety distance and the separation between the public of one and a half metres are maintained. The maximum occupancy per table will be 25 people.
The establishment must maintain the cleaning conditions that it offered until now: it will not enable menus of common use, the table linen and napkin rings will be for single use, etc...
Likewise, in celebration events, the maximum capacity will be 75% of capcity, with a limit of 300 people outdoors and 250 indoors.
Concerts and fairs
One of the great novelties of this phase is the return of the concerts, although with very strict rules that will prevent us from enjoying them as before. These will have a maximum capacity of 1,500 people and must maintain the usual security measures in terms of distance, masks ... In addition, the organization must make disinfectant gels available to attendees at the entrances and keep common spaces and bathrooms disinfected. In addition, the Andalusian Government has recommended to the municipalities that no fairs or “romerías” be held in the next two months: July and August. They could return in September depending on how the pandemic evolves. The bullrings expand their capacity up to 50%.
Cinemas and cultural centres
Cinemas and cultural centres increase their maximum capacity to 65%. In cultural centres group visits are limited to 25 people outdoors and 20 in indoor spaces. These visits will have to be previously arranged. And museums cannot exceed 75% of their capacity. In recent days we have seen some of our great monuments open to the public. Libraries will provide their services and ordinary activities, without the rooms having more than 50% of their capacity.
Shopping centres, shops, markets
As of phase 3 the common areas can be used and the novelty is that the capacity increases to 75%. The limit of one person per fitting room is maintained and all hygiene prevention measures must be maintained. The markets must also limit the capacity in the common spaces.
Disco’s, terraces and pubs
The capacity is increased to 40%, but the clients must be sat at tables, with a maximum of 25 people per table indoors. On terraces, 75% of capacity is permitted, and 25 people per table or group. You will still not be able to dance, and it must be seating only.
Recreational establishments and fairground attractions
Children's recreational establishments will remain closed for now. The water and amusement parks will be able to open, but with a capacity of 60%, which will be 40% in closed spaces. The fair attractions, with the prior authorization of the municipalities, can accommodate a maximum capacity of 50% of the row of seats and maintain safe distances. Of those that do not have seats, they will be 50% capacity in which they can guarantee the safety distance and 30% in which they cannot. All items should be disinfected after each use.
The capacity is maintained at 50% in the common areas that already existed in phase 3 of the de-escalation.
Active tourism
These activities are limited to 40 people, or 30 people with a guide.
Beaches, lakes and rivers
They will be regulated by the municipalities (Town Halls), which may establish access and capacity limitations. They can also set time limits.
You could already do sports in closed spaces if they are sports without contact or the risk of contagion was moderate. The novelty is that the maximum limit goes to 80% of the occupation allowed outdoors and 75% in closed spaces. The personal limit: 500 people at most in closed spaces and 1,000 in public spaces.
Hunting and fishing
From now on, hunting and fishing activities in all its forms are also authorized "provided that the social safety distance is respected or, failing that, alternative physical protection measures are used with the use of a mask".
Churches and places of worship
They do not have a limited capacity anymore, but they must allow for the minimum social distance.
Burials and funerals
60 people can attend outdoors and 30 in closed spaces. They must keep the appropriate safety measures.
Nursing homes
New admissions will be allowed in residential centres where no coronavirus cases have been registered during the last week.
Since phase 3, all public transport services are 100% operational. All of the seats may be occupied as long as the required social distancing is possible.