Based on hospital numbers, the weekend brought signs that the pandemic is slowing in Spain with the rate of infections and deaths dropping, as we prepare to enter our fourth week of lockdown.
As far as Andalucia is concerned, in a new metric of "cases in last 14 days per 100,000 population" Andalucia with 70,88 (02-04-2020) is now one of the least inflicted region in Spain. To date Andalucia as a region has 8301 confirmed cases in total with 470 deaths.
The following image shows statistics for the Costa del Sol Hospital up to 4th April. The Blue line shows the daily admissions to hospital. The Red line is the number of people sent home, and the Green line shows the number of people in hospital with a Corona Virus diagnosis. Things seem to be heading in the right direction.
The second image shows the total number of confirmed cases in Andalucia. Of course numbers are still going up, but more slowly.
We are doing things correctly. Let's hope the numbers continue in this direction. Stay at home. Stay safe.
Souces: Skynews, Ministerio de Sanidad, Junta de Andalucia